After being away from the political limelight for a while, former Punjab governor Chaudhry Sarwar has returned to Pakistan to make his comeback in politics. Mr. Sarwar arrived in Lahore on Friday and is expected to meet with the chief of the Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q), Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain, on Saturday to discuss his inclusion in the party.
Sources have suggested that Mr. Sarwar is likely to officially announce his membership in the PML-Q during his upcoming press conference on Sunday. This move comes after the former PTI leader announced his plans to re-enter politics on Thursday.
The two leaders will also discuss Mr. Sarwar’s responsibilities within the party and settle any outstanding matters. Following the meeting, the former governor is expected to announce his decision to join the PML-Q.
The announcement has been highly anticipated, and it is expected to bring about significant changes in the political landscape of Pakistan. Mr. Sarwar has been a prominent political figure in the past, and his return to politics is likely to attract a lot of attention from both his supporters and his critics.
With the announcement of his joining a new political party, Chaudhry Sarwar has once again made his presence known in the world of politics, and it remains to be seen what impact he will have on the country’s political future.